HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE! Lots of news for the blog today. Hope everyone is enjoying those sporadic warm temperatures that keep teasing us! I am so excited to be outside more and more.
So I have already missed my goal of monthly blogging for 2019. Tax season always keeps me so swamped with 2 businesses! So I am going to shoot for once a season. I think this will be a much more measurable goal. For those of you who are faithful to reading my blog, thanks for your patience! Like I mentioned in the last blog, I said I would show more progress shots from the Hop. Here is a before and current photo of the exterior progress. Still have a ways to go, but so thankful for getting grass to grow and for my flower beds and gate that my husband, Kelly made.

We have plans for a couple more flower beds on each side of the gates in this photo. Speaking of flowers, I am expanding my cutting garden into a small flower farm! I will also be planting larger rows of flowers at my in-laws farm down the road to have some more room to spread out. I am planning to add Ranunculus, Anemones, Amaranth, Snapdragons, Gladiolas, Poppies, Cone Flowers and more! I am MOST excited about Ranunculus! I discovered this flower a couple years ago as I have been doing more floral designs for weddings and events! It is so pretty with all its ruffled layers. I also have found so much inspiration and practical tips for my garden in Floret Farm's Book, Cut Flower Garden. If you are wanting to grow a cut garden, this is a great resource!
This is a Ranunculus!

Here's a little shot of our kitchen. Kelly did the concrete counter tops and Concrete sink! The backsplash is one of my favorite products I ran across while I worked at Harper Howey Interiors. It is a hand painted wood tile that can also be used on floors, accent walls or stair risers! If you are interested in ordering some through me for your project, let me know and I can get you pricing!

They have so many awesome colors and designs! We decided on a neutral because we already have so much other color and pattern in the living area next to the kitchen.

Stay tuned for more photos of our house update. We planned to have a work day on the upstairs addition next month! Also let me know if you have an event or wedding that needs florals! You can now buy lots of local flowers and arrangements from my cutting garden! Happy planting everyone!